European Freaks

If a historian in the future would have to guess the condition of the EU based on articles and news from 2018, probably the prognosis would not be very optimistic. 2019 is a fate year for the EU — facing BREXIT and the EU-elections. What should we do next: is it cosmetic intervention, facelift, or reanimation that is needed? What happened to the European idea?
Budapest based theatre collective STEREO AKT creates a participative performance on the spot, based on the experiences, questions and dilemmas raised by the conference “European Freaks’ Con”. Tübingen locals get involved in a citizen stage project to take part in the creation process of an exciting, provocative and funny contemporary theatre piece. With an animator on stage and innovative sound design the show tries to imagine a Europe 2.0. Can we defibrillate the pulse of Europe?
STEREO AKT is one of the most progressive Hungarian contemporary theatre collectives, which creates event-like performances with the artistic leadership of Martin Boross. Theatre is an event, audience members are participants, and the point of the event is the meeting of the participants' reality and the fantasy of the artist. The essence of STEREO AKT performances is born from the – often wordless – dialogue between audience and performers. During its 6-year career, STEREO AKT has created 12 full-length performances, a documentary movie, a number of smaller-scale artistic projects, numerous local and international collaborations, participated in well-known festivals and won several awards. STEREO AKT has worked at the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, the Jurányi House and at MU Theatre in Budapest, but also worked in collaboration projects in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Spain and the US.
Interview with Radio Wüste Welle
Mehr Informationen und Hintergründe gibt es im Interview mit Regisseur Martin Boross nachzulesen.
Schwäbisches Tagblatt
"Ein wild persiflierender Parforce-Ritt mit Publikumsbeteiligung."